Earlier in the week I had an interesting evening in which I fucked two guys in one night. The first guy was shit so I felt the need to make up for it by welcoming a second one into my bed after kicking out the first.
Guy #2 gave me a rough first impression but quickly changed my opinion of him by impressing me with his wit and interesting stories.
Before he left my place the next morning, a Tuesday, we agreed to try to get together on Friday as we both had the day off.
There was a litte bit of texting over the next couple of days and then on Thursday night he called me at 1:30am and we had a 1.5 hour phone conversation that felt like it lasted 5 minutes.
I really liked talking to him! He was funny and sweet and entertaining. At one point I was getting very sleepy so he offered to tell me a story. He started with "Once upon a time..." and I cut him off abruptly and told him to come up with something less crappy.
There was a pause and he started to confess to me...
#2: "I'm freaked out..."
Me: "Why? What's up?"
#2: "...I think I really like you but I know you don't want anything serious. I am afraid I am going to get hurt."
I didn't say anything for a minute because I had now idea WHAT to say. I just met this guy! He then started probing and asking questions about it, and I don't know what was happening, I am going to blame it on how tired I was, but I almost started to cry.
This was frustrating. I see crying as a huge sign of weakness and I have a super hard time when even those close to me see/hear me cry, nevermind some strange dude I just met!
He could tell I was uncomfortable and so he changed the subject and eventually let me go to sleep.
The next day we agree to meet in the early afternoon. We grab some sandwiches and quickly scarf them on my balcony before getting down to the important stuff.
He's good at fucking. And kissing. And at one point he compared his nuts to the engine of the Titanic.
We did that for a while and then he had to leave to babysit his nephew.
After he left I was unsure of how I felt about it. I thought about him on and off into the evening until I realized that that was it.
I am probably never going to see him again, and I'm content with that. Although, his stamina will be missed.
very insightful read. thank you always!