Saturday, October 22, 2011

Crashing the Balloon...

Not too long ago I went on a few dates with Hot Air Balloon Guy and things seemed to be going well and the sex was awesome and he was sweet and I liked him even though I had some reservations due to his looks. (He was not ugly, but he was hefty. I'm a curvy gal, but he was a BIG man, and as superficial as it sounds I did not find myself very physically attracted to him.)

After a nice night together he left for three weeks to work out of province. While he was gone we texted and skyped a bit and expressed interest in seeing each other again when he got back to town.

His first night back he picked me up and we went for dinner. As we were walking up to the restaurant we ran into some close friends of mine and I actually found myself embarrassed to be seen with him. This is obviously a bad sign.

After dinner we went to his place and had sex and it was nice and then I went home.

The following night he came to my place and after having a round of sex we were cuddling and chatting and then he got really quiet. I looked at him and I could tell he wanted to say something and I finally got him to speak. He sad "Can...can I call you my girlfriend?"

I was kind of taken back by this. We didn't really know each other and it was an awkward time for him to ask because his face was an inch from mine and we were all naked and pressed up against one another.

I kind of ducked giving a real answer and said "Only if you call me your guuurrrrrrrrlfriend." and I threw in a very ghetto head-bob thing for effect. He took this as "Yes! But of course!"

After a bit more sex and the greatest orgasm I've had in ages he said "There is nothing better than laying in bed after making love to your girlfriend."



I barfed internally. I. It was terrifying.

I do not "make love". I fuck.

Who makes love these days anyway?! It makes me think of the 80's for some reason....

And he kept kissing my forehead in this super sweet way and I was not feeling very okay with this.

He also approached the subject of changing our facebooks to "in a relationship" and I made a joke about how it should be "it's complicated" was awkward.

A couple of days later he came over again and we fucked (because that's what I do with my vagina) and it was still good sex and I just tried not to think about the other night with the love making crap.

The next morning he had to leave because during the winter he actually lives a 24 hour drive away from me. I knew this but it didn't really dawn on me until then that I had signed up for a long distance relationship.

What the hell is wrong with me? I am usually pretty good at speaking up and not getting stuck in uncomfortable shit like this!

So now it's been under a week of being his guurrrrlfriend and I need out because this is not what I want.

Also, there is someone else? Maybe....

Hot Air Balloon Guy left on Tuesday morning. On Wednesday evening I had a date with a 40 year old, Old Guy 2.0.

I had been emailing this guy for weeks. Probably since I had first been emailing with Hot Air Balloon Guy! Like, a seriously long time. And we finally decided to hang out.

He picked me up and when I got into his car the conversation flowed so easily. He is hilarious. And cute! And he ALWAYS opens the car door for me. He took me to his favorite Vietnamese restaurant and then we went to see a folk band. We were a bit early for the show so we sat in his car and hung out and chatted for a bit.

After the show he drove me home and made sure I got safely in my apartment before driving off.

The next day I had an email from him first thing in the morning saying that he had a blast and hoped I did too. A bit later in the afternoon he texted me and apologized for being creepy but wanted to know if I was free that evening because he had won tickets to see a band play that night.

I had a movie date that night with a gal pal and he was also going to see a movie with a friend so we arranged that I would text him when mine started and he would time it so that he would be at the theater I was at right when my movie ended to pick me up.

When my movie was done he was waiting in the lobby for me. It was cute! He said he thought it would be nice but then once he got there he realized it might come across as super creepy but I assured him it wasn't.

Three bands were playing and in between each we had lots of time to sit down and chat. I asked him about his romantic history and he told me he was divorced (which I find is a turn-on some how?) and that during the last five years of his marriage it was an open relationship and he had a serious girlfriend of three years during that period. He also told me about a few other girls but there didn't seem to be anyone too recently.

He asked about my history and I was vague but told him I dated fairly actively over the summer. This seemed to satisfy him and then we discussed beards at length.

The next day he asked if I was free to see a band with him tonight. Unfortunately I had plans but I'm sure I will see him in a couple of days.

I really do look forward to seeing him again but I need to deal with the Hot Air Balloon situation first before I get too deep with this new guy.

I am starting to realize that I may not be ready to be a one man kind of woman.


  1. As much as I am a commitment girl, changing your Facebook status after the second (third date) kills me! Although, it would make your daddy proud.

  2. p.s. How do you manage to meet so many guys who are just glorified cheaters!?

  3. Glorified cheaters?! NO WAY

    I totally get the open relationship thing now. I used to think it was so weird but I now understand having more than one person going at a time. I mean, I guess the key is being upfront and honest.

  4. Changing your relationship status is sooo dramatic, is he a 15 year old girl?

  5. you forgot to mention how hot OG2.0 is!

  6. "we discussed beards at length." brilliant. i love you muffy.
