Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Cold and Lonely Winter Ahead...

Since the summer my sex life/romantic situation has slowed down SIGNIFICANTLY.

All summer I rarely went a week without getting laid at least once, and now it's been over a month and as much as I want sex I don't feel that push to find it.

Maybe it's because there is snow on the ground and the idea of running around and going on dates seems like too much work. OR maybe it's because the person I really want to have sex with is not in the same city as me.

Hot Air Balloon guy was someone I tried to write off at the start. But now he is the guy I want to see. Just over a month ago he moved back home for the winter and I miss him terribly.

At least, I think I do.

I spend a lot of time thinking about how well we get along but I am also afraid that I am only wanting him because he isn't available to me.

What if I lose interest as soon as I see him again?

I guess that's something I won't know until he comes back.

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