Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Letter To The One Who Made Me Weak In The Knees

To The Man With The Ironic Mullet,

It could have been the hair, or the bad 70's tie, or the dirty Chuck Taylors ... you made me swoon.  You may have noticed my coworkers laughing at you, but I was melting.  I could barely contain myself when you were looking at the books at my work and I tried to strike up conversation.  I fled quickly, regretting my move immediatly.  I tried to strike up conversation with you over your choice of books, The Gas We Pass, but I stumbled over my words and looked like a fool.

I would like to see you again.  I frequent the Cavern and Lo Pub if you feel like stopping by.  Maybe once I have a few drinks we can skip out on the whole bar scene and find a nice cozy corner in an alley or something ... not to say that you're that kind of guy, just that I am that kind of girl.  Just sayin'.

So, see you around, I hope.



1 comment:

  1. such a cute letter!

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