Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dear Men

Please read this article.

It is about how to properly finger a lady.

Ignore the shitty choice of words such as "clitty". Never use that word.

Today I woke up feeling like I spent the last week riding a bicycle. As in, my vagina hurt.

I was with a gentleman whose idea of fingering is thrusting his fingers in and out with so much gusto that he was esentially punching my vagina.

I will email him this article.

Unfortunately there are a couple of other things I will also have to address:
1. When kissing me, don't try to see how far your tongue goes down my throat.
2. Please do not lick my asshole. Also, please keep your fingers out of there. It makes me feel like I have to poop.

The thing is, there are these cons. BUT I am not done with him yet. We haven't fucked yet this time around and I can still get some kicks out of him. He is the sweatpants of sex, afterall. Not much to look at, but comfortable. And he lives super close.

I would also like to point out that this is the 69th blog post.

1 comment:

  1. I am sending that article to every man I know. perhaps I will print a copy and keep it for bed visitors to read.
