Friday, October 28, 2011

Old Guy 2.0: Awesome date leads to confusion and an awkward exit...

Since my last post I have ended things with Hot Air Balloon Guy and continued hanging out with Old Guy 2.0.

The other night 2.0 and I had a nice date (I'm actually not sure if what we are doing is going on dates, but last night felt datey until it suddenly didn't...). We went for dinner, on his dime, to Restaurant Dubrovnik because he had some sort of a deal there. As you can see by a quick glance at their website, it's a pretty snazzy place and certainly one of the higher priced restaurants in the city.

We were the only people there and had a really fun time acting snobby. We shared our meals and after our plates were cleared he mentioned that he had considered jokingly proposing marriage to me. He had even gone as far as to try and find a small box for a fake ring.

Our next activity was a concert. We decided to sit in some seats on the small balcony and chose some in a cozy corner close to the stage.

I sat with my legs crossed towards him so that my dress hiked up. I was leaning on him and made sure there was lots of physical contact. I even touched his thigh while excitedly making a point about something! There was way more flirting this time, and sex jokes like crazy.

I asked him if he dances and he said no. Then he got up out of his seat and showed me why. He did the most ridiculous dances for me including The Drunken Dad At A Social which had some amazing leg twitching and The Firehose which had some very intense gyrating near my face.

The first band was meh so we leaned in close and made fun of them. The second band was much better and we both shimmied in our seats quite a bit.

Things got kind of weird when we were chatting between the second and third bands...

He asked me what my "type" is and I told him I didn't really have one, which is true, my taste in men is all over the place. He said he didn't really have a type either. Then we proceeded to pick out people from the audience below that we thought were attractive. He only picked out one girl, and she looked a lot like me, which was comforting I guess? Then I picked out one guy and he agreed that the guy was attractive. Then he continued to pick out more guys...

I asked if he had been with a guy and he said yes and I think I may have just shrugged in response. This news honestly did not bother me at all, and I wasn't actually surprised by it. Then we spent the rest of the intermission criticizing the audience's clothing choices.

The car ride home was quieter than usual. All the flirtyness was gone. He wasn't as animated as before and we didn't talk much, although he did sing a little. When we pulled up to my place the goodbye was boring and I was uncomfortable.

This morning we went to Comic Con together. He won tickets and I had always been curious.

It pretty much lived up to my standards and we had a blast listening to the nerd conversations.

While admiring costumes some talk of fetish came up. Nothing scary or crazy, but I can tell we would have fun if we ever sleep together.

It is seriously driving me bonkers that we havent fucked yet. It is all I think about.

I have plans with the Original Old Guy on Wednesday. He is coming over for a romp and has promised to leave me "convulsing in a pool of human fluids" which is something I am looking forward to.

I am also emailing with a 48 year old. My new goal is to have sex with a man twice my age. I am hoping this will tide me over for a while and take my mind off things with 2.0.

1 comment:

  1. I think he's courting you into a threesome with another dude. I'm calling it now.
