I am confused by the men in my life. Let me list the current list for you, and me.
Old Guy: The guy I sexted and then had awesome sex with. Texted me this morning to arrange a "play date" and suggested that this time around we be more "Reggie and Veronica...and less Betty and Archie". I have no idea what it means but I am excited.
Moonpies: This is a guy I have been texting for weeks. He seems normal and hilarious and I am going out for drinks with him next week. I like him because we both agree that caesars are practically gazpacho and are appropriate to drink at all hours of the day.
Mr. T: This guy and I had sex last week. It was shit but I want to give him a second chance. Call me stupid.
Mr. WE: This is the guy that seemed to forsee a future between us. I disagree.
The Jock: I gave this guy my number the other day and he won't stop effing texting me. I may go for drinks with him tomorrow....and I might sleep with him....
Andre: I have no idea who the fuck this guy is. First he tells me his name is Andre then he says it's Greg. All I know is that he is black and banging a black dude is on my summer sex checklist.
"Veronica frequently dates Reggie Mantle, who has the wealth and possessions that she craves, as well as a narcissism that rivals hers." - wikipedia