In my previous post I had mentioned that I had some summer stories. I know that so far my summer is quite tame compared to last summer (a small example), but the last two weeks have been somewhat eventful in terms of sex.
July 1st was Canada Day and so a street in my area of town was shut down for two days of festivities (ie. people get shit drunk). On the Sunday night I made sure to get proper drunk as I had the next day off work and once I started drinking I really wanted to go dancing.
I went to see some friend's bands at a local dive and I danced my face off. D&D was there and we chatted and danced together a bit and after the bar I went home to his place.
On our walk home he brought up US. I got super awkward and played coy, which was a bitchy move. ANYWAY, we kind of decided that neither of us want anything serious but that we both like each other lots and the sexual chemisty is undeniable and so we would continue this in a casual manner until it doesn't work anymore.
I am pleased with this.
He also raved about how awesome he thinks I am. (So awesome. Duh.)
The next morning he and I drive together to meet some friends at the beach. I kind of realized in the two hour car ride that he and I had never really spent a lengthy amount of time alone together with nothing to distract us and it was really nice.
A couple of days later I left for a music festival where I camped in the middle of a 24 hour party for 4 nights. It was a stupidly good time. I was D-RUNK every single night.
The second night D&D gave me some mushrooms and they made me RIDICULOUSLY horny. All that was on my mind was fucking.
I grabbed D&D's hand and we stumbled around the festival grounds trying to find a place to fuck but security people kept popping up. Eventually we found a supply tent by one of the stages that wasn't being used. We broke in and went at it amongst a bunch of children's craft supplies.
As we were leaving the tent a security person pointed their flashlight at us and we had to run away.
It was awesome.
The next night I was drunk with some friends and we danced and danced while wearing glowsticks at this giant drum circle on top of a hill. My friends decided to call it a night but I wasn't done yet. I took some MDMA and started to dance like even more of a crazy person and continued until sunrise. Apparently I looked like a retard.
(This is an actual photo of where I was dancing)
I hung out with D&D the day after I got back to the city and we cuddled and drank wine.
I'm really looking forward to the super relaxed, no strings attached thing. I feel like it will be an excellent summer romance.
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