You know that thing where you meet a guy through friends and go home with him on a whim? Even though you have a boyfriend?
And then you continue to sleep together because it's fun and wrong and you know that he raves about you to people and calls you "sultry"?
And then you realize you have to break it off because you have a boyfriend and it's sad and awkward and you still run into him and being just friends is super hard because the smell of him reminds you of sex so you keep getting SUPER turned on whenever you see him? And you do dumb things like bake him stuff and stay at his place till weird hours holding hands?
And then you break up with your boyfriend and reach out to the other guy because the sex was good and so was the company?
But this time the company feels different and things are kind of distant and the warmth is gone and the conversation feels forced?
But the sex is still SUPER awesome so you consider stopping that hang outs portion of the relationship and keeping the sex portion?
But then you're at the same event and he shows up with a girl that he is obviously into and follows around and when he comes over to say hi it's super awkward?
I think I need to find someone new to sleep with.
oh no!!!