Last week Zaza excitedly told me about a trick a mutual friend shared with her:
Now, this is something I have been using for a while without really realizing it is a trick. I just happen to be a complete horndog.
How to do Sexy Eyes:
- Spot an attractive person
-Tilt your head down JUST A TOUCH
- Lock eyes with them
- Imagine sexy things such as: You fucking them, them masturbating to you, you masturbating to them, them naked, etc.
- Throw in a lip bite
- These thoughts create a sultry facial expression
- The person won't know what hit them but won't be able to look away!
I constantly walk around imagining having sex with just about every man that crosses my path. I even have a problem where when I walk into a room I imagine that everyone senses I'm there and is immediately drawn to me sexually. Like my vagina has a magnet or something and it gives me immense sexual appeal. So I've been giving this look for months without realizing the power behind it.
I am going to work on honing it and turning myself into a Sex Eyes monster.
The day after Zaza told me about Sex Eyes I practiced at work. I combined it with the personal-space-assulting Shoulder/Arm Touch - when talking to a male customer I place my hand on their shoulder blade or arm and do a little rub when saying hello or goodbye. I was a hit!
My male customers bought way more! It was working! And very few of them were noticeably uncomfortable!
One customer, that I didn't have the opportunity to touch, stood out though.
I was helping some bitchy old ladies and a sweet looking young man passed by behind them. I immediately locked eyes and did the Sex Eyes at him. He blushed like crazy, which made me giggle, which in turn made him giggle! HE WAS MINE! He walked passed me a couple more times, and it felt like he was loitering a bit. I was so ready to go up and ask him out but the horrible old broads I was helping took FOREVER! Eventually he left and my heart left with him.
I recovered quickly from my loss because I realized I held immense power with the Sex Eyes and there would be MANY more opportunities.
can sex eyes be done over skype, gchat, & facetime?
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ReplyDeleteYes Trevor, they can. Obviously.