Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Something's Always Gotta Give

So the wonderful boy I've been seeing since January is off to France for 3 months in a couple of weeks, really in a matter of days, to pursue a really awesome job opportunity. While I am extremely happy for/proud of him for it, my vagina is crying already. How wonderful is this boy? We're talking extremely funny, polite, intelligent, loves going down on me, penis for days*, and insists for some reason on paying for everything and enjoys going to art house cinema, gallery openings and theatre AND can hold a conversation. It has made the first third of my 2011 year entirely so great, and that's without factoring in our intense sexual chemistry**. With the chemistry factored in, well, fuck. Or lack thereof. I'm pretty sure that the withdrawal from all of the sex we've been having for the last 4 months is going to make me take up chain-smoking.

Oh well, two more weeks of magic and then it will be back to the average boys of this city with their average penis sizes, average lasting times and below averagely talented tongues. Until he comes back for 2 weeks in August*** before moving away for school again. Remind me to never date smart, ambitious boys ever again. From here on out, it's losers for life.

On the plus side, I'll probably have a lot more content with which to contribute to this blog. After all, summer in the city has not even begun.

* The contents of my waste basket are composed of magnum wrappers.
** We are talking hot, wild sex in which I pull muscles and glasses get broken and blankets get ripped for hours on end intense here.
*** At which time we will fuck on every possible surface until we hurt.